Basware solutions for
Purchase to pay

Automation of purchasing and accounts payable with Basware and ICreative.

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Digital transformation from purchase to pay

Purchase to pay often consists of various fragmented processes and unstructured information. It is then unclear how much cash goes out on the front end, resulting in too much working capital being held and figures having to be corrected after the fact.

With a data-driven and automated purchase to pay system, much more control over purchasing and accounts payable is gained.


We work with all leading ERP systems


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Benefits of the digital transformation From purchase to pay

Automated purchase-to-pay with Basware and ICreative

The digital transformation from purchase to pay involves integration of the external and internal supply chain. For indirect purchasing, preferred suppliers are selected and contracted partly on the basis of Basware Analytics. Products from these preferred suppliers are offered centrally within the organization using Basware Purchase. With each order, a PO is created and submitted to budget holders for approval.

The invoice that follows is recognized and validated by ICreative and coded and matched with the corresponding PO using Basware Invoice. The invoice status portal allows suppliers to view the status of their invoices. Accounts payable merely tracks outages.


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ERP integration

Basware has over 35 years of experience and API technology to integrate Basware with more than 250 ERP systems and more than 220 network partners.

Whether you use SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, another ERP or a combination of multiple ERPs, we connect Basware to your existing solutions.

erp integration

Webinar Purchase to pay automation 

Direct procurement is usually well organized. Indirect purchasing is not. Despite total spend being small, ordering frequency is high and so are hidden costs. With Basware purchase, tail spend can be brought under management, while ordering is done by the business.  

You can view this recorded webinar immediately. We re-record these webinars from time to time to keep them current.

Watch our webinars



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