Basware Purchase

All daily orders under management with a central online purchasing platform. 

Get in touch  or  read our brochure




Automation of indirect procurement

Routine products are typically ordered adhoc, ordered from lots of different suppliers and within the department that needs the products. This indirect purchasing, nonproduct related purchasing or tail spend, has
many (hidden) costs and compliance risks.

Ideally, orders remain decentralized, but indirect purchasing is regulated by working with preferred suppliers, contracts and purchase orders.


The benefits of a central purchasing platform

To decentralize and regulate the indirect purchasing process, a central purchasing platform is necessary. A "corporate webshop" where employees themselves can order products from preferred suppliers for their daily operations. The benefits:

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Basware Purchase Functionality

  • Creating and processing orders
  • Create and process framework contracts
  • E-catalogs from preferred suppliers
  • Punch-out with preferred suppliers' websites
  • Free order forms
  • Approval workflows for budget holders
  • Organization of authorization levels and procuration schemes
  • Automatic matching with invoices

ERP integration

Basware has over 35 years of experience and API technology to integrate Basware with more than 250 ERP systems and more than 220 network partners.

Whether you use SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, another ERP or a combination of multiple ERPs, we connect Basware to your existing solutions.

erp integration

Experiences of our customers







Why ICreative

Process optimization and data management are essential to automation. With our lean agile approach, we streamline and standardize processes and data flows.

In addition to automation of procurement and invoice processing with Basware, we offer additional in-house developed solutions, including invoice validation and expense claims processing.


Trend Report

Digital transformation
Finance & Procurement 2024

Whereas digital transformation was previously mainly something for pioneers and daredevils, anno 2024 it is an absolute must-have for every organization. Challenges such as rising costs and staff shortages are forcing organizations to look for ways to work more efficiently. Automation plays a crucial role in this. 

Download trend report

4CEE - Trend Report 2024 - Digital Transformation Finance and Procurement



Webinar Purchase to pay automation 

Direct procurement is usually well organized. Indirect purchasing is not. Despite total spend being small, ordering frequency is high and so are hidden costs. With Basware purchase, tail spend can be brought under management, while ordering is done by the business.  

You can view this recorded webinar immediately. We re-record these webinars from time to time to keep them current.

Watch our webinars  or   Get in touch

