News | ICreative

Latest news about Purchase to Pay. Intelligent, data-driven solutions for more control and less complexity in purchase and invoice processing.

ICreative chosen as Basware partner of the year

Ede, Netherlands, 13 February 2017 - ICreative has once again been chosen as Basware partner of the year. And this obviously makes us a bit proud....

How much control do you have over your purchase to pay process?

Now that the economy is clearly picking up again, the way in which you set up your purchase to pay process requires more attention than ever. Cost...

ICreative delivers automated procurement to HHNK

The Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK) is set to work with a purchasing solution, provided by the Ede-based ICreative. With the...

Government Invoicing Requirements

The national government annually receives approximately 1.5 million invoices from suppliers. From January 1, 2017 are suppliers required to send in...