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Now also German per diems in Expense Service

A new release of the ICreative Expense Service has been released. Thus, at the request of several German customers and relations, the expense claim app has now been made suitable for handling German per diem expenses.

Whereas Dutch employees who travel on business declare their expenses for meals with receipts or receive an advance from the employer, German companies calculate this on the basis of fixed rates, called Spesensätze.

Thus, any business traveler who is away from home for more than eight hours but stays within Germany is entitled to a small expense allowance of fourteen euros. If the absence exceeds 24 hours, the amount is increased to 28 euros, or a large expense allowance.

The small fee is charged for arrival and departure days. There is also a flat fee for overnight stays, depending on the country in which the business traveler is staying. However, if someone is reimbursed for a meal from a customer or supplier, this cost is again deducted from the flat fee. 'The new release has been made suitable to deal with the Spesensätze,' says software developer Michiel Berkhof, who knows that the German tax authorities carry out checks on this, for example by calling hotels.

Improved overviews and controls

In addition to this important new feature, a number of innovations have recently been made to the overviews for improved ease of use. Not only the overviews for credit card declarations have become clearer, but also the general declaration overview in the desktop version provides more insight because it has been expanded with sorting and searching.

Furthermore, there are more controls built in, both for submission and processing. For example, there is a check for submitting travel expenses with an empty 'via' destination if this is done in error. In addition, when submitting expense claims, it is now possible to require a claimant to add an attachment. Finally, all expense claims now show any reason for rejection.