Wij helpen organisaties met digitale transformatie en procesoptimalisatie van purchase to pay.


Wij gebruiken verschillende cloud-oplossingen die passen bij omvangrijker organisaties.


Wij werken met verschillende P2P oplossingen die koppelen met toonaangevende ERP systemen.

1 min read

New! Invoice Status Portal

ICreative has introduced the Invoice Status Portal that enables suppliers to check the current status of the invoices they have received at any time.

When a company receives a lot of invoices throughout the year, its accounts payable department also receives a lot of phone calls and emails from suppliers enquiring about the status of the invoices they have submitted. They want to know whether their invoice has arrived, whether it is already being processed and – perhaps most importantly of all – when it will be paid.

To relieve the accounts payable department of the burden of dealing with such enquiries, ICreative has developed a portal where suppliers themselves can check the status of their invoices without needing a login.

Checking the status

The relevant page within the Invoice Status Portal is designed in the customer’s own look and feel. To check the status of an invoice, the supplier merely needs to enter the invoice number, invoice date and the gross total shown on the invoice in question. The portal then automatically indicates where the invoice currently is in the process: received, in progress, processed, paid or rejected. The supplier can also see the status of previously submitted invoices.

If suppliers still have any questions about their invoices, they can simply click on the email icon next to the relevant invoice. This automatically opens the email client and generates an email already containing the invoice details, including the right email address for the customer.

This ensures that suppliers’ queries are answered quickly without the accounts payable department having to handle all the questions. As a result, employees have more time to spend on dealing with invoices, which in turn shortens the average invoice throughput time.

The portal can be integrated with all order processing systems and it is easy to switch between the two language options: English and Dutch.

Any questions?

Go to the product page or click here to contact ICreative