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Information security in the DNA

At ICreative we always want to know what is going on in the market and keep in touch with it continuously. Therefore, last Friday I was a guest at BIT Internet Technology together with a group of colleagues. Our neighbors in Ede took us into their world of information security. I saw great similarities with Amazon Web Services (AWS), which Basware uses for its cloud solution: it's in their DNA.

BIT is a business Internet service provider specializing in colocation, Internet connections, managed hosting and outsourcing. The Internet technology company provides quality-conscious companies with the backbone for their IT and Internet infrastructure. Reliability is the starting point of their services so that their customers can engage in their core business without worries.

I was impressed by the professional way BIT Internet Technology handles information security. It is their core business and the company exudes that in every way. From the "fall back scenario premises," which can power an entire municipality, to the authentication via iris scanners required to enter rooms.

While the services may not be entirely comparable, it is not that different from what AWS means to our customers. AWS, alongside Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Azure's, is one of the world's largest cloud services platform and is deployed by Basware.

Customer data

Basware and AWS ensure data security in several ways. For example, customer data is separated and logically stored such that users can only access the data they need. Customer data cannot be deleted without authorization and is not stored on portable devices or media.

Data transfers in public areas and in Basware's internal network are encrypted by default. Inactive data is also encrypted. Only Basware employees can access it. Data is also stored in a region that customers can choose.

In addition, the system makes regular backups of customer data in case of human error, corrupt data or a failure. These backups are transferred encrypted and to an offline, offsite location. Only authorized individuals can request recovery of the data.


The access network is divided into security zones. The purpose of this is to isolate risks so that threats or incidents do not propagate into the other zones. Components with different reliability requirements are separated by zoning. Each security zone has its own function and security level.

An external, independent IT security company also conducts ongoing audits and identifies threats and vulnerabilities in the system. Each update is also thoroughly checked before going live. Findings are reviewed at the executive level and by stakeholders. These are just some of the measures Basware has in place to safeguard data.

Speed of developments

Funnily enough, conversations with customers about Basware Alusta SaaS (Basware's cloud application) often turn into conversations about maintenance and security. Whereas originally there were many concerns about reliability, availability and security of data when stored in the cloud, that now turns 180 degrees.

Many of our customers migrate to a SaaS environment precisely when information security is a hot topic. The developments in information security go so fast that internal (IT) departments often cannot or do not want to keep up. It is therefore entirely justified that companies choose the cloud precisely because of security. After all, at AWS, security and maintenance - just like at BIT Internet Technology - are part of the daily business. It's also in their DNA.

Email pderksen@icreative.nl