1 min read
Wij helpen organisaties met digitale transformatie en procesoptimalisatie van purchase to pay.
Wij gebruiken verschillende cloud-oplossingen die passen bij omvangrijker organisaties.
1 min read
Editorial ICreative
Nov 10, 2016 11:43:00 AM
The Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK) is set to work with a purchasing solution, provided by the Ede-based ICreative. With the software, the HHNK has the process of purchase to pay automated. The solution of ICreative is based on Basware Invoice software Alusta and data capture software Kofax, integrated with the existing financial system FIS2000 of Unit 4 and the document management system of Corsa.
The HHNK is one of the larger Dutch water boards. In 2015, the HHNK decided to automate the entire procurement process. After a selection ICreative selected for the supply and implementation of the system.
With the current solution, the HHNK has the process of purchase to pay fully automated with advanced procurement techniques, such as punch-out catalogs. The incoming invoices are automatically at control level associated with ordering and receipt lines which they are processed automatically. It is also used for contract management and automated budget control over the financial system.
The HHNK expects the new software to the purchasing and financial processes at both operational and strategic level to better monitor and improve. About 475 postmen, budget holders and approvers now use the new system.