Wij helpen organisaties met digitale transformatie en procesoptimalisatie van purchase to pay.


Wij gebruiken verschillende cloud-oplossingen die passen bij omvangrijker organisaties.


Wij werken met verschillende P2P oplossingen die koppelen met toonaangevende ERP systemen.

2 min read

Change management: what a change...

The introduction of new e-invoice solutions implies much more than a technical change for most companies. However, all eyes are on the technical part of such introduction, whereas other critical success factors are typically underestimated or even ignored.

Why is such a restricted focus unwise?

Rob Coolen, Projectleader ICreative explains: “People, not technology, determines the succes or failure of most software implementations. When implementations are not centered around the various stakeholders that are somehow affected by the implementation, almost always results in resistance towards the new solutions. Resistance that is caused by ignorance, uncertainty and sometimes fear.

For example, an employee might fear losing his job due to a tidal wave of automation. Or because he or she does not know what is expected of him or her in terms. 

Enter change management

Change without resistance is an illusion. There will always be some degree of resistance or emotion involved. Particularly when the implementation of a new solution is part of a bigger project to bring an organization to the next level.

Rob: "When the person responsbile for the implementation is very aware about the fact that any change revolves around clear and concise communication, than chances are things will turn out allright."

Leg die administratieve medewerker uit dat zijn baan juist interessanter wordt omdat controlewerkzaamheden vervangen worden door meer uitdagende taken. En vertel die crediteurenbeheerder dat de samenwerking met de afdeling inkoop hem veel nieuwe inzichten zal geven. Kortom, maak helder waarom de beweging noodzakelijk is, wat het iedereen gaat brengen en dat er geen ontkomen aan is. En ja, bij veranderen hoort ook dat je vertrouwde patronen leert loslaten en dat dat soms lastig is. Zonder wrijving geen glans...

Simply tell the accounts payable employee that he or she can spend less time inquiring about the status of a specific invoice, and more time on continuous improvement of invoice processing. And tell him that being able to work more closely with the purchase department, as a result of the new solution, will actually help him or her to achieve this goal. In sum: explain to each stakeholder why the change is necessary, how it will benefit all those involved, and the fact that such change also means breaking certain habits. While so doing, it must remain crystal clear to all parties that the change is going to happen - there is no turning back.

Embrace surprises!

Of je nu aan de slag gaat met e-invoicing of kiest voor totaal nieuwe software: voor alle veranderingen geldt dat afdelingen naadloos met elkaar moeten samenwerken. De ene (gewijzigde) processtap heeft immers direct gevolgen voor de andere.

Whether the change involves a transition towards e-invoicing or the implementation of next generation purchase to pay software; collaboration between various departments is of paramount importance. Any change that is initiated in a department will somehow also affect other departments.

Rob: "The transition towards an automated purchase to pay proces is not just a smart investment for any company, but also creates a window of opportunity to reflect on existing processes and performances. The reflection itself already offers fertile ground for improvements in terms of working faster, smarter and more efficient. And these improvements can be typically accomplished with new technology."

Curious? Eager? Or sceptical?

Feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities of a cloud-solution for purchase to pay automation. Contact us or visit us.

With kind regards,

Rob Coolen, Projectmanager ICreative
06 10 316 359

Over ICreative

ICreative delivers purchase to pay and e-invoicing solutions. As the largest Basware partner in the world, we automate order placement and invoice processing for large companies, including Bol.com, Univé, Ballast Nedam, KPMG, Bilderberg, PON, Stork, Bavaria, PostNL, UWV, A.S. Watson,  EndemolShine, Mediq, Van Gansewinkel and Universiteit Utrecht.

These companies benefit from clear and concise visibility and control on all orders, contracts and invoices processed, at significant lower operational costs. Regardless of the ERP systems in use, including SAP, Oracle and MS Dynamics, and regardless of the number of offices, countries, currencies and languages.