Wij helpen organisaties met digitale transformatie en procesoptimalisatie van purchase to pay.


Wij gebruiken verschillende cloud-oplossingen die passen bij omvangrijker organisaties.


Wij werken met verschillende P2P oplossingen die koppelen met toonaangevende ERP systemen.

Danny Kind, Project Manager ICreative

E-invoicing also without government obligations a smart move

For a long time it has looked as if e-invoicing would be enforced by laws and regulations. That does not turn out to be the case, at least for the time being. Nevertheless, it is very attractive for companies to switch to e-invoicing, says Danny...

Ideal world of e-invoicing still wishful thinking

“Look, we all want an ideal world,” says Danny Kind, senior product manager at ICreative. “A world in which you no longer receive any invoices on...

E-Invoicing: Stick to the Norm!

Much has changed in recent years on my visits to companies in the Netherlands. Every rational person knows by now that electronic invoices are better...