We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

Invoice status

Allow suppliers to request invoice status themselves, thereby relieving accounts payable from unnecessary phone calls.

Relieve accounts payable from unnecessary phone calls

Your accounts payable department receives daily emails and phone calls asking suppliers about the invoice status of their submitted invoices. They want to know if the invoice was received properly, if it has been picked up yet, and perhaps most importantly, when it will be paid. When your invoice processing is high volume, a lot of time goes into this. Is your accounts payable department regularly burdened with invoice status inquiries? The Invoice Status Portal offers a solution.


Allow suppliers to query invoice status themselves

To relieve the accounts payable department of such questions, ICreative has developed an online portal where suppliers can look up the status of their invoice themselves.

A login is not required. Suppliers simply enter the invoice number, invoice date and gross amount of the particular invoice. Then the Invoice Status Portal automatically shows where the invoice is in the process: received, pending, processed, paid or canceled.

Should the supplier subsequently wish to ask a question about the invoice, an e-mail can still be sent from the portal. The details of the relevant invoice are automatically attached.


Let suppliers see the status of their invoices? 

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