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Digital Transformation Finance & Procurement 2024

Whereas digital transformation was previously something mainly for pioneers and daredevils, anno 2024 it is an absolute must-have for every organization. Challenges such as rising costs and staff shortages are forcing organizations to look for ways to work more efficiently. Automation plays a crucial role in this. What is the state of digital transformation in finance and procurement departments in the Netherlands?


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4CEE - Trend Report 2024 - Digital Transformation Finance and Procurement




Digital Transformation Trend Report

Digitalization is a necessity. But how far along are Dutch organizations in this area? And especially in Finance and Procurement, departments that are not only crucial to day-to-day operations, but also play a major role in setting the course and financial health of an organization. Independent research firm DirectResearch surveyed more than 400 finance and procurement professionals at Dutch organizations.

Many invoices paid late

Companies still do not manage to pay all incoming invoices neatly within the agreed payment period. Payment is therefore often late. About one in three companies cites the approval process taking too long as the main reason for late payment.

4CEE - Trend Report 2024 - Digital Transformation Finance and Procurement - Invoices Pay Too Late

Invoices received: PDF remains undefeated number one

The most common form of invoice is still the PDF. Slowly, e-invoicing seems to be gaining a little ground, especially among large companies. This year, the share of pdf decreased by 4% and the share of e-invoices actually increased by 5%. However, theDutch business community has still not said goodbye to the paper invoice.

4CEE - Trend Report 2024 - Digital Transformation Finance & Procurement - PDF invoice

More focus on efficiency, less focus on compliance

Some 60% of finance and procurement professionals feel there is sufficient focus on getting indirect spending under control. Increasing efficiency is the most important goal in improvement projects, followed by gaining purchasing advantage. Compliance and bringing procurement under management are lower on the list of priorities this year.

4CEE - Trend Report 2024 - Digital Transformation Finance and Procurement - Efficiency for Compliance

Trends and developments in Finance and Purchasing

The tight labor market still grips Dutch companies anno 2024. Both financials and buyers point to the tight labor market as the development that will have the most impact on their daily work this year. Furthermore, both professionals see different developments. Almost half of procurement and finance professionals at large companies expect their work to be different in 5 to 10 years. 

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Full trend report available for free

Want to learn more about how corporates and mid-sized companies have set up their Purchase to Pay process and the implications for Procurement and Finance? Then download the full trend report for free.
