We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

1 min read

Is your current Purchase to Pay vendor demonstrably future-proof?

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That technological developments are happening at lightning speed is a well-known fact, even for you. That as a result it is becoming increasingly important to work with parties who are reliable, independent and innovative. But how do you achieve this in practice?

Sjoerd de Heer, Solution Architect ICreative explains, "It is precisely because developments are so rapid that it is important to realize that specialists in purchase-to-pay and e-invoicing solutions must be able to offer continuity and flexibility, in addition to the above characteristics."

Futureproof purchase to pay

"Independence is an important theme here. Specifically, independence from applications used today and tomorrow, making it easier to implement a new application, for example, within an existing software environment. That is one of the reasons why, as a future-proof purchase-to-pay solution, we started using enterprise service bus," Sjoerd continues.

"In plain Dutch: It simplifies the communication between us as a provider and you as a customer, because a special messagebus (a kind of mailbox) has been used. You could think of it as a linking mechanism that can be set up according to customer-specific requirements. Because the internal processing and content is decoupled from the message to the customer."

Futureproof purchase to pay

The benefits

"Big advantage is that this future-proof purchase-to-pay cloud solution offers total transparency around your data."

"All data is traceable from start to finish, making any errors easily traceable. In addition, the data is stored in such a way that it can also be accessed if, for example, a PC malfunction occurs. Therefore, we can now react even more proactively towards the customer. Sometimes we discover issues even before the customer in question realizes what is going on," says Sjoerd. "It is also possible to anticipate almost all file formats, for example, scanned invoices or other documents. Furthermore, we have set up a release cycle, where we implement and communicate improvements to our customers several times a year. If you summarize it briefly, you can say that we have further improved the service to our customers through this switchover."

Theoretical? Come for coffee!

"I can well imagine that it is rather theoretical matter. Even after reading this article. Remember, as a professional partner, ICreative is constantly evolving to offer the best that technology can handle at the moment. I find the word unburdening rather popular, yet it is exactly what sets us apart from other partners: we offer unburdening in the entire process instead of taking a small part out of it. Just catching up over a cup of coffee is of course also possible," Sjoerd concludes, "that often clarifies a lot."

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