We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.


On digital transformation, process optimization, compliance
and spend management.



2 min read

Maverick buying: challenges and solutions for big business in 2024

In the current economic climate, maverick buying is increasingly becoming an issue for large corporations. This has major implications for both...

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Payment behavior of large companies leaves much to be desired: many invoices are paid late

2 min read

Payment behavior of large companies leaves much to be desired: many invoices paid late

Dutch companies still fail to pay their invoices within the agreed payment period. One in ten large companies pays...

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4 min read

Adoption e-invoicing: electronic invoicing not yet commonplace in Dutch businesses

Not even half of large companies have already embraced e-invoicing and regularly receive e-invoices. One in five corporate organizations report...

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Finance and Purchasing are looking hard for new employees in this tight labor market

3 min read

Financials and buyers wanted: tight labor market remains problematic

The tight labor market continues to be a major concern in 2023. Financials and buyers continue to indicate that the war for talent is a major...

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Headaches at Finance by maverick buying

3 min read

Maverick buying gives Finance in particular a headache

At nearly half of corporates, the majority of indirect spending does not take place under management, the Trend Report concludes...

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E-invoicing has not yet replaced the paper invoice

3 min read

Adoption of e-invoicing slow: paper invoice remains popular

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the Netherlands was already the third "most advanced digital economy" in Europe last year. Those...

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corporates pay invoices late

1 min read

One in seven corporates pays majority of invoices late

Corporates regularly pay their invoices late. In fact, one in seven large companies in the Netherlands pays more than half of the incoming...

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What does ICreative do

We are purchase-to-pay partner for organizations, institutions and governments. We feel particularly at home in large and complex administrations, such as the use of multiple ERP systems.

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