We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

1 min read

Change management: quite a change...

New e-invoicing solutions mean a lot more within an organization than the technical change to a new system. And that is often how such a change is implemented. Why that is not such a happy choice? Rob Coolen, Project Leader ICreative explains: "People, and in this case employees, still determine the success or failure of a project. And when they are not included in a project, resistance arises. Resistance caused by ignorance, unrest or even fear."

For example, because an employee is afraid of losing his or her job because of the automation changes or because he or she does not know exactly what the changes all mean for the content of the work.

Get it right with change management

Change without resistance or emotion is a pipe dream. The trick is to recognize this from the beginning and give it the proper attention. Especially if you are in a major transition with the goal of taking the organization to the next level.

If you, as a change manager, realize that success starts with communication, you'll be fine.
Explain to that administrative employee that his job will actually become more interesting because audit work will be replaced by more challenging tasks. And tell that accounts payable manager that cooperation with the purchasing department will give him many new insights.

In short, make it clear why the movement is necessary, what it will bring to everyone and that there is no escape. And yes, change also involves learning to let go of familiar patterns, and that can sometimes be difficult. Without friction no shine...

Be surprised!

Whether you get started with e-invoicing or opt for totally new software: for all changes, departments must work together seamlessly. After all, one (changed) process step directly affects the others.

Rob: "See switching to digital invoice processing not only as a smart investment, but also as a time to take a good hard look at your processes, together with the people doing the operational work. You'll be amazed at all the things that can be done differently, smarter, faster and more efficiently..."

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