We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

Danny Kind, Project Manager ICreative


2 min read

Invoice fraud easily prevented

I recently read yet another two disturbing reports about invoice fraud. At least two business owners in Nieuwkuijk and a garden center in Leuven were the victims of fraud involving bills sent through the mail. Invoice fraud is the order of the...

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2 min read

Great news for e-invoicing

The Netherlands is further ahead with e-invoicing than abroad, headlined a May 4 article on Accountant.nl. The platform relies on the recent...

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4 min read

E-invoicing wise even without government

For a long time, it looked like e-invoicing would be enforced by laws and regulations. That turns out not to be the case after all, at least ...

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1 min read

E-invoicing still a pipe dream

"An ideal world we all want," says Danny Kind, Sr. product manager ICreative. "A world where you no longer have paper invoices...

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3 min read

E-Invoicing: stick to the standard!

"In my visits to companies in the Netherlands, a lot has changed in recent years," says Danny Kind, Sr. product manager at ICreative. "Every...

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What does ICreative do

We are purchase-to-pay partner for organizations, institutions and governments. We feel particularly at home in large and complex administrations, such as the use of multiple ERP systems.

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