2 min read

Optimize your invoice processing with Basware: The power of matching

In the rapidly changing world of business processes, efficiency is essential. An important aspect of this efficiency is the processing of invoices, especially when they are based on purchase orders. With the right tools, companies can respond quickly to problems, such as discrepancies in invoices. This blog highlights Basware's capabilities and how matching can contribute to a streamlined invoice processing process.

Discrepancies in purchase order-based invoices

When an invoice automation system detects an issue that can be resolved by updating the purchase order associated with the invoice, the responsible business user receives a matching discrepancy task. After the user updates the purchase order, the invoice is automatically reprocessed and validated based on the revised data. If the validation is successful, the invoice can move to the next stage in the process.

Flexibility of the Matching Discrepancy task.

The matching discrepancy task increases flexibility in the invoice processing process. The same user can be assigned multiple times to this task, which can address various matching errors, such as:

  • Price differences
  • Missing goods receipts

The matching discrepancy task provides the user with direct access to the invoice details, reducing the automatic wait time. Users with an assigned task can easily view the invoices on the Tasks page and complete the task by clicking "Complete Task. Ideally, the system should keep the invoice in an automated process by completing the task automatically after updating the purchase order.

Manual tasks and receiver resolution

In the case of purchase order-based invoices, discrepancies, such as price or quantity variations, can often be addressed by designated business users. Previously, customization was required to facilitate automatic assignment of recipients for manual billing tasks. The current solution now allows invoice tasks, such as header review and approval, to be assigned to specific user roles, such as Buyer, Owner, Reference Person and Others.

Manual billing tasks can be assigned to all connected users or only those linked to the purchase order lines with discrepancies. By linking the recipient to the manual task, the process is streamlined, and users can be more easily selected during manual assignment.


Small differences in matching enablement

Another major enhancement is the ability to match purchase order-based invoices that exceed the purchase order in quantity and/or unit price. This prevents invoices from lingering for an additional goods receipt when no further receipt is expected to cover the difference. An example is when the net weight of an ordered product decreases due to water evaporation in transit.


Automatic matching of partially matched invoices

With the latest update, automatic order matching can now manage invoices that have already been partially matched. This is particularly useful because sometimes only part of an invoice can be matched to the corresponding purchase order due to missing goods receipts. In such cases, the invoice is sent to a matching discrepancy task so that the business user can record the necessary goods receipts. Once these are registered, the system automatically matches the remaining portion of the invoice with the purchase order.

This ensures that possible coding changes by the business user are preserved in automatic matching.

Basware Matching Invoice

The tools and functionalities offered by Basware make it possible to optimize the invoice processing process by using matching. By quickly identifying and resolving discrepancies, companies can significantly increase their operational efficiency. Using Basware Matching Invoice results in fewer manual interventions and faster turnaround of invoices


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