
Basware Training

ICreative offers a number of standard training courses that will help both new users and more experienced users of Basware, get up to speed on how to use it.

Trainings are conducted in Dutch or English (depending on participants).

Customized training, for example for all your co-workers, is also quite possible. In the registration form below you can ask about the possibilities.

Basware training thumbnail


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Basware AP Analytics

Training Basware Analytics for Accounts Payable

  • General Explanation Analytics
  • The dates explained
  • Combining Basware and Analytics
  • Creating your own dashboards

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Basware Procurement Analytics

Training Basware Analytics for Procurement

  • General Explanation Analytics
  • The dates explained
  • Combining Basware and Analytics
  • Creating your own dashboards

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Basware Invoice

Training Basware Professional Client Invoice & Matching

  • Basware P2P Professional Client
  • Invoice validation
  • Matching
  • Coding and coding templates
  • Spend plans

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Basware Procurement

Training Basware Professional Client Procurement

  • Basware purchase-to-pay process
  • The use of shops
  • Creating and processing orders
  • Purchase management




+31 (0) 318 49 31 50
Oortlaan 2
6716WD, Ede
The Netherlands