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Invoice recognition

Manually entering invoices into an invoice processing system has given way to scanning and recognizing digital invoices with OCR software. With e-invoicing, invoice recognition is completely taken out of your hands.

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Scanning and recognition

In the Netherlands, about eighty percent of all invoices are still sent as PDF invoices. Previously, the information on incoming invoices had to be manually entered into a financial system. With the advent of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, the information on a pdf invoice can be automatically converted to data. An important distinction here is made between reading data at the header level and line level.

Further in OCR


E-invoicing stands for sending and receiving invoices in the form of an electronic invoice. An e-invoice is typically an XML data file with a standardized data structure. The advantage of e-invoicing is that the invoice is fed directly and automatically into an invoice processing application. Due to the lack of a standard, joining an e-invoicing network offers a solution.

Further into e-invoicing
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Invoice recognition software

  • Basware Network is the world's largest open network for any-to-any conversion of invoices and orders. Over a million suppliers and buyers send and receive invoices and orders in the exact format they want.

  • With Kofax, information from scanned paper invoices and pdf invoices is read and this information automatically enters the appropriate fields. These include invoice date, invoice number, IBAN number, VAT number and net and gross amounts.


Automation of invoice recognition

About OCR, PEPPOL and e-invoicing networks. Download our white paper.




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