We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.


On digital transformation, process optimization, compliance
and spend management.


purchase to pay

2 min read

CFOs focus on cost reduction: does p2p process offer opportunities?

Companies are being hit hard by the uncertain economic situation. Among other things, the tight labor market, high inflation, unreliable supply chains and...

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Lean Six Sigma helps with purchase to pay optimization

3 min read

How Lean Six Sigma helps your organization with purchase to pay optimization

The purchase to pay process of corporate organizations consists of several strategic processes (sourcing, contract management) and operational...

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Result: big difference in purchase to pay research

2 min read

Research shows: Large differences in degree of P2P automation

Paper invoices may be increasingly rare; electronic invoices, on the other hand, are still not popular. On average, 74% of...

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4 min read

Interfacing in a P2P implementation - What are the trade-offs?

When selecting a new, best-of-breed automation solution for the purchase-to-pay process, the topic of...

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1 min read

New look at purchase-to-pay process

More and more companies are choosing to optimize their entire purchase-to-pay process. Yet there are still organizations that balk at that step...

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2 min read

Robot as virtual employee in purchase-to-pay process

Finance departments have transformed themselves in recent years from "data producers" to strategic business partners for their internal customers....

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1 min read

Are you using the human touch in P2P automation?

It's the tone that makes the music, we all know that. And that's especially true of how you engage with your people about the concrete...

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1 min read

Is your current Purchase to Pay vendor demonstrably future-proof?

That technological developments are taking place at lightning speed is, even for you, a well-known fact. That as a result it is becoming increasingly important to work with...

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2 min read

Save money by allowing more errors

When implementing a purchase-to-pay system, define the conditions under which an invoice may be matched against an order. "These...

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2 min read

Innovation in Purchase-to-Pay

What fantastic times we live in. Especially for someone like me, who surely has a more than average interest in technology....

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What does ICreative do

We are purchase-to-pay partner for organizations, institutions and governments. We feel particularly at home in large and complex administrations, such as the use of multiple ERP systems.

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