We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

1 min read

New look at purchase-to-pay process

More and more companies are choosing to optimize their entire purchase-to-pay process. Yet there are still organizations that balk at that step. They see process automation as a cost rather than an investment. To make the conversation easier, ICreative developed a savings calculator.

Software is a tool to achieve a goal, but if you really want to make a impact, you can and should look at the process. That's why the company has developed a savings calculator. A simple version of it has been available on the website for some time. With a few key numbers, you can see pretty quickly what you can save with specific software.

In addition to the simple version, ICreative also has an advanced version. To really determine where the gains, in addition to financial gains, lie, the process is processed in the calculator. This allows us to go much deeper into the savings and opportunities to improve the process. There have been instances where we were able to show an organization, that an investment was recouped within a year.

Not just financial kpi's

ICreative's savings calculator is a first step in thinking about what is possible. It should offer a company an entrance to look at the processes in a different way. In the conversation we can then take a deeper look. This is not even about the implementation of software, but mainly about how the process can be more effective.

During such a conversation, for example, it often emerges that there are many other kpi's you can look at as a company. And they are not always financially related. Sometimes they are simply the number of e-mails you send back and forth. Or it turns out that you can steer more specifically when talking to suppliers, so that you can guarantee their quality.

Business case

So ICreative's savings calculator not only provides an illuminating first look at the potential for savings, but also prompts a new perspective on automation of the purchase-to-pay process. As far as we are concerned, it is about much more than just which software you can implement. It is about looking together within a business case for ways to improve the process. That way you can free up FTEs. As the company grows, this often eliminates the need to hire new FTEs. And that makes a significant difference.

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