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Geveke Mechanical Engineering live with Basware SaaS

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ICreative, provider of purchase-to-pay automation, announces that Geveke Werktuigbouw has successfully completed the implementation of Basware SaaS. "We are now equipped with a user-friendly, integrated application for our invoice processing," says Michael Wiersma, CFO at Geveke Werktuigbouw.


Geveke Werktuigbouw and its two Belgian subsidiaries have two sales groups, industrial pumps and compressed air technology. Geveke 's activities, besides advising, supplying and maintaining a wide range of technical products, consist of designing and producing complex turnkey packages including commissioning and startup.

'Our products and services are essential to users in their production processes or operations,' Wiersma explains. 'We are a trading company with our own service organization. We source the products from specialized, internationally renowned manufacturers. For this we enter into long-term supplier relationships.'

New ERP system

The industrial service provider had been working satisfactorily with Basware for several years. When the then ERP system was end-of-life and Geveke Werktuigbouw started working with SAP Business One, it opted for a different invoice processing solution for cost reasons. 'My motto is: keep it simple. We therefore replaced Basware with another package, despite knowing it was less rich in functionality,' says Wiersma.

Over time, however, this proved insufficient. 'It fell short, particularly in informational circulation. Too many things had to be arranged outside the invoice processing system via e-mail, while in Basware this is simply part of the process flow," says Wiersma, who therefore fell back on the familiar channel.

In addition to Basware SaaS, Geveke Werktuigbouw has also selected the additional ICreative Recognition Service (IRS) for processing paper and PDF invoices. Thanks to this service, information on these invoices, such as invoice date, invoice number, IBAN number, VAT number and net and gross amounts, is automatically read and automatically put into the appropriate fields in Basware. The basis for IRS is the Kofax Total Agility software suite. Kofax has been named a leader in the so-called scan & capture domain by independent research firms for years.


Wiersma was and is very satisfied with the cooperation with ICreative. The implementation went within time and budget. Points of attention were the pricing, which is substantially different with a SaaS application, and the interface to the new ERP package. 'I would have liked Basware to be able to simply be turned "on" again, but unfortunately this was not the case,' jokes Wiersma. 'During the test period there were a few minor hick-ups, but all our questions were always adequately answered by ICreative's consultants.'

Vincent Wouters, CEO of ICreative, says he is very pleased with the return of Geveke Werktuigbouw as a client. 'Geveke Werktuigbouw, like ICreative, is a dynamic organization with a no-nonsense culture. We look forward to a pleasant renewed cooperation.'