We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

1 min read

Are you using the human touch in P2P automation?

It's the tone that makes the music, we all know that. And that's especially true of how you engage with your people about the tangible performance they deliver. As you may know, our software lends itself perfectly to process optimization by logging the activities employees perform.

Clear reports can include, for example, the number of invoices a particular employee processes each week, the percentage of errors made in the process and the turnaround time involved.

Healthy competition

'We even see companies where these kinds of statements are casually hung by the coffee machine,' says Aart van Steenbergen, Senior Technical Consultant at ICreative. 'It can, if done in a relaxed manner, promote healthy mutual competition, allowing the team as a whole to excel to a higher level. The goal of measuring is certainly not to make people insecure, but rather to discover where strengths and perhaps weaknesses lie. It also sometimes turns out that the one employee who structurally processes fewer invoices than the rest, and thus seems to perform less well, is actually responsible for all the difficult supplier discussions with ditto problems, as a result of which a positive structural contribution to turnover is made.

Meaningful brainstorming

'I advise managers who want to start making more use of the possibilities offered by their current software to think carefully beforehand with the team about what output they want, so that we can start building in a targeted way. After all, the clearer the brief the lower the consultancy costs. And, but that goes without saying, the higher the final profit. Profit which, by the way, does not necessarily have to be about money. More time, a better grip on the total process, lower absenteeism or higher supplier satisfaction can also be the result. It is exactly like in an orchestra: the better everyone is in tune, the more beautiful the music... And the great thing is: you are at the helm, just like that conductor with his friendly thin but very clearly waving baton.''