We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

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Invoice processing in cloud or on-premise

Invoice processing in cloud? Or on premise? Much has already been written about it. Companies are increasingly seeing the benefits of moving to a solid cloud solution for automating their invoice processing or entire purchase to pay process and are more often choosing not to replace their old servers. Yet there are still business owners who are reluctant to make the move. For example, because they think that working with data in the cloud involves security risks. Or that cloud solutions are more expensive than in-house servers.

Unknown makes unloved

Switching to a cloud service for invoice processing has a number of advantages:

For example, scalability makes it easy to match costs precisely to the number of users, making costs very predictable. So the cost of invoice processing in cloud runs in parallel with consumption. With a server, this is obviously less flexible to fit in, which is, after all, a rather static entity. Just consider the fixed costs of operating a server: the initial investment, interest loss on the invested capital and (with multiple servers) power consumption and air conditioning to cool the space. Not to mention the relatively high cost of licenses and the labor hours to install the complete package. All fixed data, while the development of your business is so changeable. Unfortunately, we still often see it in practice: too large, expensive servers for a company that has downsized, for example due to a downturn.

The flexible and secure cloud solution

A cloud does not depreciate, has no initial investment, always has the latest updates and is absolutely secure. If you think about it soberly, cloud storage also beats the server in terms of security. After all, what seems like the most secure solution to you? A system administrator who manages your systems, and goes on training courses every now and then, or a team of specialists who are constantly working on the latest developments in the field of security, are trained to perfection and know exactly what is going on in the world of ICT? That feels a lot less vulnerable.

Curious? Enthusiastic? Critical?

We would be happy to update you on the possibilities of invoice processing in cloud or on premise.

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About ICreative

As a Basware and Kofax partner, ICreative provides purchase-to-pay and invoice processing(e-invoicing) solutions to large enterprises and institutions. Our solutions provide greater control of corporate spending and reduced complexity of the purchase to pay process.