We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

Jeroen Rozeboom, Digital Transformation Specialist


3 min read

Why Purchasing and Finance should use cross-departmental KPIs for spend under management

In corporate organizations, the Procurement and Finance departments have traditionally been separated; regularly they even reside in other branches of the company. This need not be a problem as long as there is sufficient coordination...

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3 min read

Proper optimization of working capital makes Finance a profit center

Accounts receivable management is an important component in controlling working capital. So wrote a colleague at sister company Diesis recently in a...

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Process expense reports the same as invoices

2 min read

Declarations are invoices, right?

Companies miss out on opportunities if they stop automating after successfully implementing and commissioning an invoice processing system. By...

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2 min read

Purchase to pay automation starts with e-invoicing and guts

Within companies there is still sometimes a perception that the payment process is already modern because invoices are processed digitally. Jeroen...

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2 min read

Automation begins, where digitization stops

"For years the market has been asking for digitization of document flows," says Jeroen Rozeboom, Sales Manager at ICreative. In particular, the...

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1 min read

How much control do you have over your procurement and payment process?

With the economy picking up unmistakably and unabatedly, the way you have set up your purchase to pay process requires more...

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What does ICreative do

We are purchase-to-pay partner for organizations, institutions and governments. We feel particularly at home in large and complex administrations, such as the use of multiple ERP systems.

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