We help organizations with digital transformation and process optimization from purchase to pay.


We use various cloud solutions to suit more sizable organizations.


We work with several P2P solutions that interface with leading ERP systems.

Anoek van der Riet

Content marketer | Editor


2 min read

E-invoicing is becoming the norm: are you ready?

Belgium and Germany have decided to make electronic invoicing for business transactions mandatory. In doing so, they are following the example of Italy and Poland, among others, where this decision was taken earlier. Companies in these countries...

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Payment behavior of large companies leaves much to be desired: many invoices are paid late

2 min read

Payment behavior of large companies leaves much to be desired: many invoices paid late

Dutch companies still fail to pay their invoices within the agreed payment period. One in ten large companies pays...

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4 min read

Adoption e-invoicing: electronic invoicing not yet commonplace in Dutch businesses

Not even half of large companies have already embraced e-invoicing and regularly receive e-invoices. One in five corporate organizations report...

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2 min read

"2023 was the year of Continuous Transaction Control"

The beginning of a new year is always a great time to look back as well as forward. What went well? What went less well? How can we...

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manual approval of recurring invoices

4 min read

On average, 15% of invoices are recurring: stop checking the same invoices over and over again

From the monthly rent of your business premises(s) and utility prepayments, to telephone subscriptions for staff or fixed...

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Belgium and Germany plan to make e-invoicing mandatory

3 min read

B2B e-invoicing becomes mandatory in Belgium and Germany

Following Italy, France and Poland, among others, Belgium and Germany now want to make e-invoicing mandatory for B2B transactions. The...

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Illustration of an e-invoice concept, where invoices are sent and received electronically in accordance with new compliance requirements.

3 min read

From post-audit to clearance model: what does this mean for compliance?

More and more countries around us are exchanging the post-audit model for the clearance model or some other form of continuous transaction controls (CTC)....

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Illustration of automated purchase to pay process that ensures a compliant work environment

5 min read

What does a compliant purchase-to-pay process look like?

Compliance plays a major role in the purchase-to-pay process. From requesting purchase orders to paying invoices; one must not only...

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Compliance officers face several compliance challenges

5 min read

The 4 biggest compliance challenges for 2023 and beyond

Compliance anno 2023 may be more complex than ever. From ever-stricter laws and regulations to greater risks in the area of...

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Improving compliance is a matter of behavior; make it as easy as possible

4 min read

Improve compliance: make it easier to be compliant

Compliance means working according to the law, internal procedures and established standards. Everyone in your organization, from cleaners...

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What does ICreative do

We are purchase-to-pay partner for organizations, institutions and governments. We feel particularly at home in large and complex administrations, such as the use of multiple ERP systems.

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