Invoice validation

with Basware

Prevent downtime in invoice processing by automatically validating invoice data.

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Prevent bill failure

Automatic invoice processing is interrupted if the information on the invoice is incomplete or incorrect. It will then be necessary to search for the error and then correct or complete the invoice itself. Even a missing or incorrect VAT number can cause an employee to take action. By automatically validating incoming invoices for validity and correctness before invoice processing takes place, invoice dropouts can be prevented.

Validation can take place, for example, on the basis of data from the ERP or order system, but also on the basis of external data sources, such as the Chamber of Commerce or the VAT database of the European Commission. For example, supplier recognition can be set up by a combination of IBAN, VAT and Chamber of Commerce number.


Validation of XML invoices

Invoices can only be validated automatically if they are available in data form (XML). So PDF invoices will first have to be converted to e-invoices (XML invoices).

By converting to e-invoices as well as validating invoice information, the quality of invoice data and the efficiency of invoice processing is greatly increased. Examples:

  • Company recognition based on addressing, VAT number, Chamber of Commerce or other identifier
  • Importing attachments from the email for further processing
  • Importing and exporting invoices with SFTP and Web services
  • Generate (invoice) image based on XML data
  • XML Transformation (for example, from Insbou to UBL)
  • Supplier recognition
  • Check if order numbers conform to a format for example: starts with 45 and consists of 10 digits
  • Based on data from an external system, enrich the invoice with cost center, for example, this allows the invoice to be processed faster
  • Double invoice verification
  • Determine VAT code invoice by calculation
  • Integration with multiple systems possible simultaneously (e.g. Basware and SAP)
  • Link with the PEPPOL network for receiving and sending invoices
  • Option to send invoice return to supplier manually or automatically (based on customer specific settings)




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